About Jeff – Founder

My Story

Hi, I’m Jeff living in Australia, and as I write this page in 2023, I’m 64 years old.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a student of strength training with a focus on living a long, healthy and vibrant life.

Over the years I have developed my own workout routines and lifestyle choices by building on strength and fitness role models and all sorts of nutrition and lifestyle advice via proven science – and some popular trends.

It’s our outdoors camping lifestyle that provided the motivation for this website.

Me, at 64. at a Darwin waterpark with my youngest grandson

Helping People

I retired in August 2022 and with my wife of 40+ years, we have 2 sons and daughter-in laws and 3 grandsons that we visit regularly while living as full time ‘grey nomads’.

I’ve definitely mellowed with age and since being retired I get a lot of satisfaction using my experience to help people. It doesn’t matter what your circumstances are or how old you are, there is always room for improvement.

With this website you will learn how to develop and maintain strength and mobility while working, while touring the world or while driving around your country and camping.


The goal of this website is simple – to inspire men and women to develop and maintain strength, mobility and vibrant health, safely, at any age and under any circumstances by making it a consistent part of your weekly lifestyle.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

Here’s to living your best life!!!

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